Agile Review by Alex Yakyma

Gerne zitiere ich Alex Yakyma ( auf LinkedIn:

„Adopting agility without thoroughly understanding what exact pain points in your organization it is going to solve, is wrong at so many levels. And yet it accounts for most Agile transformations these days. But then no wonder we end up with context-insensitive, one-size-fits-all attitudes: if the problem statement is vague or non-existent, any solution will „work“. The main issue to be solved in every case is acquiring a shared understanding of specific impediments that the organization struggles with and trying to understand what leads to those. We struggle as a business, for example, not because we are slow in terms of delivery (even though it might be true) but because we are not learning, we’re just building stuff. And given the „distance“ from a random process participant on the org chart to the customer, no learning is going to happen anywhere soon. There’s plenty of other examples, but they all have one commonality: lack of specificity in problem statement and lack of buy-in into those specific problems across the board predictably gets you nowhere. Need to start solving real problems and stop adopting Agile just because the company across the street did so.“


  1. Danke für Deinen Beitrag, Michael, und willkommen auf meinem blog.
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